How full is your medicine cabinet, is it inundated with boxes, plastics, half used out-of-date single purpose medicines? the sustainability of earth medicine means very little packaging and uses multi-purpose raw ingredients. Less carbon footprint, less chemicals and less waste. You can make a difference immediately.
Growing up we had a very small bathroom cabinet. It literally held mercurochrome, castor oil, eucalyptus oil, Vicks vapour rub, condis crystals, bandaids, our toothbrushes and toothpaste. Did your house have a multi-purpose medicine kit?
The kitchen cupboard had other medicines – citric acid, bicarb of soda, salt, vinegar, honey, and a jar of Eno’s. The garden provided lemons, aloes, herbs; and the shed had other things like epsom salts, turps, kerosene, and the sunlight soap.
In Dad’s side draw, he kept 2 tins of Rawleigh’s – antiseptic salve and medicated ointment – for man or beast. We used it for literally everything. It lasted for years.
And that’s it. It was a multi purpose medicine chest. The dogs, the chickens, us kids, were all treated with these staples. If there was something more, the local chemist could make something called “The Mixture” in a mysterious brown bottle from his multi-purpose medicine chest – the dispensary.
Times have changed and marketing focusses on individual symptoms. Have a look in your medicine chest. Do you have a separate bottle for every ailment. A purpose made hair shampoo and conditioner, soap, cleanser, toner, eye wash, etc. It is unsustainable, wasteful, costly. Start a multi-purpose medicine kit today by adding multi-purpose raw ingredients to care for your family and the planet.
What is earth medicine?
People ask what is Earth Medicine. Earth medicine focusses on a personal interaction with nature, flora and fauna in your environment, the frequencies and rhythms of the Earth and the solar system, and using natural plant and mineral based medicines.
A herbal medicine practitioner can target many areas of the body with a combination of herbs. Dandelion is a liver and kidney detoxifier. It can assist in losing weight, kidney stones, fluid retention, anaemia, supporting diabetes, allergies, fatigue. Marshmallow assists the bowel, the kidney, the lung, the skin, genito urinary, digestion. Found in most gardens, safe, gentle yet effective, sustainable earth medicine is regenerative and non toxic. The small brown bottle you receive from a herbal medicine practitioner contains a mixture of several herbs.
Geraldton Wax
Poet Natural Therapies Geraldton Wax products contain sustainably sourced local ingredients and manufactured in the practice. Waste is negligible as harvest occurs with general pruning. TLC is useful as an ointment, a lubricating balm, a moisturiser, a leave in hair conditioner. Ulcers, bites, stings, rough hands and feet, eczema, psoriasis, keratosis, lip balm. And V cream, an animal free product, gives the same result and helpful for softer skin areas. This one product can reduce waste, increase space and give you peace of mind. It contains EVOO, Castor, calendula, hypericum oils, with a little bit of lemon essential oil set in a beeswax base.
Castor Oil is an active ingredient in TLC ointment . It has antiviral and anti inflammatory properties. Historically used as a laxative and facilitate childbirth, I DO NOT recommend you take it internally. Castor Oil eases out splinters and promotes a fluid healing environment for sores.
You CAN make a difference immediately. Start to add sustainable, safe products. Look for multi functional raw ingredients and products which have multiple uses. Build your own multi-purpose medicine kit.